LoVaidic A2 Cow Ghee Making Full Process vaidik Ghee is made using ancient and authentic Vedic methods of “Bilona Churning” which is also popularly known as the curd practice.
A2 Ghee Nutritional Benefits.
▪️Cow bilona ghee helps in improving digestion by stimulating the secretion of acid.
▪️Rich in antioxidant.
▪️Balances vata ,pitta & kapha in the body.
▪️Heals & nourishes to body.
▪️Relieves constipation.
▪️Non allergic.
▪️improve your strength and intelligence
▪️Storehouse of Vitamins A, D, E, B2, B12, B6
▪️Powerful Antioxidant properties
Rich in Minerals.
▪️Natural Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids