Showing 1–12 of 32 results

Neem Soap

दाद ,खाज, खुजली, एलर्जी एवं त्वचा संबंधित सभी रोगों के लिए रामबाण साबुन है l It is a panacea for

Gomay Soap

ये त्वचा के लिए बेहद फायदेमंद साबुन।Very beneficial soap for skin.

Arjun Chhal Churn 100gm

मोटापे,डायबिटीज,सर्दी-खांसई,स्किन,दिल के लिए बेहद असरदार ।(Very effective for obesity, diabetes, cold-cough, skin, heart )

Vaidic Netramrit

कम उम्र में कमजोर दृष्टि,जलन,आंखों में लालिमा, आंसू बहना, खुजली आदि मैं उपयोगी।Useful in weak eyesight, burning sensation, redness in eyes, tearing, itching etc. at an early age.

Amla churn 100gm

आंवले में एंटीऑक्सीडेंट प्रॉपर्टी पाई जाती है, विटामिन सी से भरपूर होता है आपके बालों तथा स्क्रीन के लिए बेहद

Triphala Churn 1:2:3

त्रिफला : एक महाऔषधि, कब्ज़ दूर करने में सहायक, पेट में गैस की समस्या (एसिडिटी) से राहत, आंखों के लिए

Wood Pressed Coconut Oil Premium

Coconut oil is the favorite new age makeup remover. Also can be used with sea salt as scrub. Coconut oil is better than the commercially available average face moisturizer and hair serum.

Wood Pressed Mustard Oil Premium


Loaded with MUFA, PUFA, Omega 3 & 6, Vitamin E, minerals and antioxidants Possesses anti-microbial & anti-bacterial properties Acts as a natural sunscreen when applied on the skin Improves metabolism, circulation and digestion Reduces the risk of cancer as compared to refined oils Relieves sinus congestion.

Wood Pressed Groundnut Oil Premium

Pure, wood pressed oil made from the finest quality of groundnuts. No chemicals or preservatives used in the product. Groundnut oil is a versatile cooking oil that can be used for regular cooking as well as exotic dishes. Why is the oil called "Cold Pressed Oil"? Cold pressed oil is extracted by crushing oilseeds in wood or stone churner